Sunday 27 January 2019

Imperial Toad

"Title I was bestowed was Imperial Toad. Some leading occultists contacted Mr Binding [Dr John's step-uncle] and suggested I be raised to imperial status." — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley

Vampire Robin

"Was Robin Hood Robert de Everingham? ... Was he a vampire? No one's been able to satisfactorily answer the question of who he was." — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley

Saturday 26 January 2019

Ashurst House

"Stoker's cemetery is in a church by shoot up hill, it's not Highgate. Seán, ie the Bishop, proposed in the early Haining account that documents show (and Seán told me this himself) a European gent lived in a house on site before the cemetery was build in 1830." — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley

Friday 25 January 2019

Robin Hood

"The original site of Robin's grave is unknown." — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley

Thursday 24 January 2019

Highgate Ghost

"The ghost of Highgate is David Devant the magician." — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley

Wednesday 23 January 2019

David Farrant

"I say old chap, you don't look any different to when we were young men. Well, still got your hair. So have I." — Dr John Pope-de-Locklsey

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Nazi Salute

"Corbyn, leader of the Anti-Semitic Party, giving Nazi salute!" — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley

Monday 21 January 2019

Jeremy Corbyn

"As I said at the Muslim conference in Tunisia, only one good man has entered Parliament ... that was Guy Fawkes." — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley

Sunday 20 January 2019

Meghan Markle

"But I tell you it's true. I am Princess Meghan, mother." — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley

Anthony Hogg

"Anthony, this photo makes you look like one of the vampires in a horror film ... taken at night, right after you stepped out of the coffin." — Dr John Pope-de-Locksley (aka John Pope)

Happy Birthday Johnny