Tuesday 30 June 2020

Overview of John Pope

John Russell Pope aka Master Therion 
(born 11 July 1953)

Seán Manchester's experience and overview of John Russell Pope

I first met John Russell Pope (later to become "John Russell Pope-de-Locksley") by sheer accident in the dying weeks of 1973. He was standing on a doorstep in Archway Road, Highgate, almost opposite The Woodman pub, introducing himself to the world as "The Master Therion" ("To Mega Therion"), "Imperial Toad", "Son of the Beast", "Spiritual Successor to Aleister Crowley", Britain's premier Satanist, and a host of other flamboyant titles, all associated with satanic mumbo-jumbo.

He was seeking the support of Prince Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury at the time in a bid to become rightful King of England, and eventually "Ruler of the World" (as revealed by him to Reveille magazine, 21 November 1975). In a taped interview he even claimed to have their support.

Pope had a very matter-of-fact way of acquainting all and sundry with these remarkable revelations, which he did to me late in the twilight of that strange day in 1973. Looking at his watch, he suddenly announced that he had to be home by a certain time because his tea would be on the table, and his auntie might be cross. Thus off he trotted to a bus stop where he would taken from Highgate to Barnet, and the council estate in Mays Lane where he lived with Fred Pope, his father, and, of course, auntie, at 71 The Ridge, Dollis Valley Estate  Needless to say, he has long since left that address.

Born on 11 July 1953, John Pope struck me as an amusing little fellow who seemed deadly serious, but was clearly suffering from a type of psychosis. Behind the ever-present spectacles there was a glint in his small eyes that would intrigue anyone with an interest in psychology. His claims about himself would also fascinate anyone with an interest in the wackier aspects of the occult. I say this because he would have several leading occult figures treat him as though he was an "acended master" (in the Crowleyite system of Magick) in the years to come, which tells one an awful lot about the sort of people to be found in that depressing atmosphere of totally unhinged individuals who were every bit as detached from reality as Pope who claimed to be a Freemason (his father, Fred, was a Freemason and John inherited all his father's paraphernalia). Crowley, of course, was a high-ranking Freemason, as were most others on the Left-hand Path. Indeed, witchcraft uses the first three degrees of Masonry in its own fashion, mixed with other things such as Theosophy, Hinduism etc.

Over the years, I photographed and interviewed John Pope using a 35mm camera reel-to-reel tape-recorder. These recorded interviews are now archived, and an accurate reflection of what he represented at the time, namely that he had no involvement whatsoever in the Highgate Vampire case, was fascinated to learn about it, but that Highgate Cemetery was a place he would go nowhere near. His knowledge and understanding of the case did not improve with time. Nor was this helped by him becoming acquainted with David Farrant who contradicted himself over and again on whether a vampire even existed at Highgate Cemetery. They became friends, which led to them participating in rituals that had been devised by Aleister Crowley to summon demons. These invariably led to Pope being naked. His friend was less enthusiastic in that department, and chose to keep his clothes on.

One particular ceremony in an abandoned house in December 1973 found them being suddenly joined by the local constabulary, and promptly led away in handcuffs. Some months later they each appeared on a charge of arson charge at the Old Bailey for which they were eventually acquitted.

David Farrant went on to face a plethora of other charges, including threatening people with black magic, satanic outrages at Highgate Cemetery involving a naked girl with her legs' akimbo in a mausoleum, desecration where satanic symbols had marked the floor of a vault, and cemetery vandalism, all of which led to convictions and an almost five years' prison sentence. Pope was found guilty of sexual assault on a minor (a boy by the name of Blackwell), which became subsumed in the mêlée surrounding the longest witchcraft trial of modern times at which centre his friend gleefully hugged the spotlight. Pope announced that he was bi-sexual, a decision influenced by Aleister Crowley. This same influence led to him practicing "sex magick" and blood sacrifices. The local pet shop became an unwitting supplier of small creatures for this purpose; though, ideally, Pope would have preferred human sacrifice. Farrant told the press the same thing, and announced in newspapers that he had sacrificed a cat (but only for effect). His demented friend, however, really meant it.

These things are conveniently overlooked, if not entirely forgotten, when it comes to John Pope reminiscing about a "book"  telling "the true story of the Highgate Vampire" penned at the behest of a notorious troll and stalker in a foreign land, currently assisted by another ne'er-do-well closer to home who is acquainted with the first character, none of whom were born even remotely close to when the Highgate Vampire case was extant. "Robert Best" is a curiously inappropriate pseudonym for this disturbed individual (better known as Trystan Lewis Swale) who stalks women thought to have an historical connection with me, preys on young girls online for his own amusement and pleasure, and fakes "crop circles" in his spare time to then expose others for doing the same. "Worst" would be more in keeping. I am sure his wife would agree. This perverse stalker who runs numerous fake identities and accounts is currently employed as a teacher in a Church of England primary school. Swale like to dress up in satanic costume, and is rather taken by the Hell Fire Club stories. It makes perfect sense why he is so attracted to John Pope, and, before him, David Farrant when he was alive.

I should emphasise, as the person most central to the case of the Highgate Vampire, that neither Farrant or Pope were involved in the investigation of it. What little information they did acquire about the case they gleaned from my book, The Highgate Vampire, my writings in other books, various glossy magazines, plus, of course, scores of television appearances, radio talks and interviews. Moreover, I have given talks and lectures about the case at the invitation of universities, colleges and private clubs. Furthermore, it should also be borne in mind that I am someone on the Right-hand Path in spiritual, mystical and religious terms. Pope quite clearly is on the Left-hand Path. Did not Pope describe himself on his own website earlier this century as "master of the black arts"?

John Russell Pope has subsequnetly "converted" to his own unique and some might say peculiar brand of Islam, declaring himself - to the chagrin of Muslims world wide - to be their eschatological redeemer known as the Mahdī. This is between him and them. None of this involves me. By a curious coincidence, Swale and his alter ego "Best" have also apparently "converted" to Islam in recent times.

The delusion that John Russell Pope-de-Locksley aka the Master Therion knows anything whatsoever about what went on at Highgate Cemetery will doubtless rumble on whilst ever he draws breath. His associate in the dark arts has ceased to draw breath, having died on 8 April 2019, but, at least, he stood at the periphery when some latter-day incidents unfolded in the area. John Pope, on the other hand, was not long out of short trousers and unaware of anything that was happening in and around Highgate Cemetery; save for that gossip created by newspaper reportage and such like.

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Happy Birthday Johnny