Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Bob Best Takes Control


John Pope-de-Locksley seems to have given Bob Best carte blanche. His Facebook account is now more Bob Best's account than it is his own, which is a shame. We want to hear from John Pope-d-Locksley, not some political misfit who knows nothing, and befriends hostile trolls like Anthony Hogg and Kevin Chesham, even using Chesham's infringed photos to publish on the 'net in an attempt to besmirch Seán Manchester. All the pro-Aleister Crowley, pro-Anton LaVey, pro-Church of Satan nonsense Bob Best puts on his own timeline he immediately duplicates onto Pope-de-Locksley's timeline. He encourages John Pope-de-Locksley to write about the Highgate Cemetery vampire when John Pope-de-Locksley had absolutely nothing to do with the case. Ultimately, Bob Best comes across as a feeble-minded trouble-maker. Why has Pope-de-Locksley seemingly capitulated to him?

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